Anybody know good fish species to put in a......? - what is the largest shark type
in the tank of 100 liters tropical, preferably including Corydoras? I would also like a shark or a big fish money Guy?
Anybody know good fish species to put in a......? - what is the largest shark type
in the tank of 100 liters tropical, preferably including Corydoras? I would also like a shark or a big fish money Guy?
LOL. OK, here are some good ideas. Here's what to do.
Many of live plants
5 Angela (wild type)
20 Cardinal tetras
20 Kerri tetras
Bloodfin tetras 15
1 Bristlenose Pleco
5 oto catfish
15 Corydoras species of your choice
Fancy Goldfish-tailed (so beautiful)
Piranhas are always cute
Hey, if you want Corydoras, why not an Amazon biotope! are really good, and you can use many kinds of beautiful fish. The best part is, since all from the same place, you can specialize, there are conditions for requirements, allowing them happier and healthier.
Here is an excerpt from an article on water policy. Com:
In order to create an Amazon biotope aquarium, for example, you can use almost all types of small tetras, since many (but not all) from the Amazon region. The Amazon region is also home to many species of catfish popular as a long tail catfish, catfish Bristlenose Catfish and Corydoras. Other proposals are ax and large characins U.S. dollars silver pencil as to be generally available. If you have experience in maintenance of water quality have, you can, for example, go to dwarf cichlids. Angelfish is an alternative, but if you want to keep small tetras, angelfish because test lunch.
Kribs half a dozen.
Silver Shark
It would probably be better to limit these beautiful fish in the wild rather than remaining to leave in a tank for your television service.
chiclids, Livebearers
You want to save 2 go 2 a tropical fish, but my personal favorite multi-tool is
I like goldfish
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